I'm alive!!!
.. and thank God for that! jaja! WOW! I't been more than a month since my last post! Too many things have happened in that time! Some good, some not so good ... but here I am! But believe me... my muse has not left me, it just lack of time! I try and try but it's getting so hard for me to post more often .. hope you can understand! ;-) Here I will show you a small 3x3 card I made for a super special friend!!

Y un pequeño pensamiento que me encanta pues en definitiva la vida es un constante viaje!! y hay que disfrutar de él aún cuando se pone dificil la carretera!
And a little quote that I like a lot ...because life is ultimately a constant journey a constant ride! and you have to enjoy it even when the road gets harder!