Quiero mostrarte la tarjeta que le preparé a mi Mamita para el día de las Madres. Siempre le pongo mucho cariño a todo lo que hago pero en esta tarjeta puse tanto amor que ni queria entregarsela! jajaja Bromas! Son de estos proyectos que desde que lo imaginas en tu cabeza hasta que lo llevas al papel todo te sale como quieres o mejor de lo que esperas! Queria algo colorido y queria conseguir un stamp chulisimo que tuviera una nena pues yo soy hija única en el matrimonio de mi padres y siempre he sido la nena de la casa aunque me cueste admitirlo a mis 38. En la escuela siempre me bromeaban por mis ojos grandes... y Mami tambien lo hacia y aún lo hace, por eso queria una imagen con ojos expresivos y queria colorear algo diferente. Consegui esta imagen que inmediatatemente me enamoró en Some Odd Girl. Los colores del vestido los pinté iguales que un modelo que vi en su galeria pues a la verdad me fascinó y los colores iban perfectamente con los papeles! Lo único diferente es el color del pelo, ojos y zapatos. Los papeles son de la colección DeLovely de Cosmo Cricket, Bo Bunny, My Mind's Eye y rubons de Melissa Frances
Hello! I hope you had a nice Mother's Day and a very special weekend with your family and loved ones. I'm fine! Busy on several things, projects for the Puerto Rico Scrapbook Event, arts, promotions... Many things to work but very upbeat and with the muse in the house so woohoo! ;-)
I want to show you the card I designed for my Mom for Mother's Day. I always put a lot of care to every project I do but I put so much love in this card! I love the results... I didn't want to give it to her! LOL!! jokes! This card was one of those projects that you keep designing in your head, and when you put on paper everything goes as you want or better than you expect! I wanted something colorful and wanted to get an image that had a little girl because I'm an only child in of my parents marriage and I have always been the baby of the house even though I have trouble admitting it at my 38. LOL! Kids always teased me about my big eyes at school... So did Mom and still does, so I wanted a picture with expressive eyes and I wanted to color something different so I spend a couple days looking for a special image. I got this image that I fell in love with inmediately at Some Odd Girl. I painted the dress the same way as a model I saw in their gallery because It was perfect with the color combination of the papers! The only thing different is the hair color, eyes and shoes. Papares are from DeLovely collection from Cosmo Cricket, Bo Bunny, My Mind's Eye and Melissa Frances rubons.
This is how the card opens. Looks like a trifold card but the cover opens up, then the part where the image is opens to the side and then you see the message.