Little by little my muse is returning! and thats so niceee! I was bored! hehe Although I had some work to do. I was a doing some invitations for a "Quinceañera" party (fifteen bday) not so traditional. The theme is a Hula Pool Party. The quinceañera wanted something tropical and Hawaiian so I designed a digital card using the party theme and the brilliant colors.

And I made this little card for a friend. I used some Basic Grey scraps that I found in an organizer. Those baby papers are so cute!

Y el dia San Valentin ya se acerca! Y las nuevas colecciones con este tema me encantan todas!! Como la nueva de Fancy Pants, Splendid! Con un robot y todo! La linea tiene un papel bellisimo que está dividido en 12 pequeñas tarjetitas como para regalar o preparar tarjetas. Así que aprovechando la musa hice esta tarjetita de amistad con una osita panda en 3D.
And Valentines day is near! And I love all the new collections with this theme! Like Fancy Pants new collection, Splendid! With a robot.. so cute! The line has a beautiful paper that is divided into 12 small cards that you can use as gift cards or prepare some nice cards with them. So I did this friendship card with a pretty 3D panda bear!

Gracias por visitarme! • Thanks for visiting!